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Maria’s Salted Caramel Banana Cake | High Protein

Maria’s Salted Caramel Banana Cake | High Protein
Arabella Ogilvie
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Arabella Ogilvie's profile

Single Serve Salted Caramel Banana Cake

Recipe by Maria AKA @mimismacros

This single-serve banana cake is super easy to make and tastes great. In three simple steps, you can create a protein-rich (using your Soy Protein Blend) scrumptious treat for yourself or friends to try at home. Enjoy this banana cake with a hot cuppa - relax and enjoy!

Salted Caramel Banana Cake

5 Important Benefits of Bananas

Aside from being a super tasty snack, bananas have many health benefits; they are a nutritional powerhouse as such! We have listed a few below - how many of these did you know?

  1. Bananas are rich in potassium, which is good for your heart health and blood pressure functions.1

  2. Bananas are rich in magnesium, which is great for your skin health.1,3

  3. Bananas are high in fibre - thus ensuring you are fuller for longer and also minimises constipation.1,2

  4. Bananas are high in vitamin B6 - this vitamin supporting red blood cell production, the metabolism of amino acids and maintenance of the nervous system.2,3

  5. Bananas are a respectable source of vitamin C - a medium-sized banana can provide up to 10% of your daily vitamin C needs! 2

Did you know? Bananas are in fact the UK's favourite fruit and we eat approximately 10kg of bananas every year.1


A huge thank you to @mimismacros for this fantastic recipe! Keep scrolling to find the full ingredients list and method.

Single Serve Salted Caramel Banana Cake Recipe


Caramel centre filling:

Salted Caramel Banana Cake


  1. Combine all ingredients for the cake and pour half the mixture into a small ovenproof dish.

  2. Layer with the caramel mixture and then the other half of the cake mix.

  3. Bake in the oven for 20-25 mins - then sit back, relax and enjoy your delicious treat. Yum!

Storage - Make sure you store your treats in some tupperware for ultimate freshness.

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  1. BBC, 2020. The Health Benefits Of Bananas. [online] BBC Good Food. Available at:
  2. Healthxchange, 2020. [online] Available at:
  3. Singh, B., Singh, J.P., Kaur, A. and Singh, N., 2016. Bioactive compounds in banana and their associated health benefits–A review. Food Chemistry206, pp.1-11.
Arabella Ogilvie
Writer and expert
View Arabella Ogilvie's profile

Arabella has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physiology from the University of Glasgow where she covered health topics ranging from the physiological effects of exercise and nutrition, to psychology and neuroscience.

She has a lifelong interest in sport and fitness, including running, swimming, hockey, and especially rowing. At university, Arabella was a keen rower and competed in the first boat at events such as the prestigious Henley Women’s Regatta, The Scottish Boat Race, and British University Championships, and won Novice Rower of the year in her first year.

In her spare time, Arabella loves to train in the gym and practice yoga and meditation. She is passionate about the natural world and will take any opportunity to be outdoors.

Find out more about Arabella’s experience here.
