7 Common Egg Substitutes For Baking
Eggs are used in almost every baking recipe. So how do you bake if you can’t or don’t want to eat eggs?
Luckily, there are a range of plant-based egg substitutes you can use to bind and fluff up your vegan baked goods.
Eggs are used in baking because they contain proteins which help set and bind ingredients. So all you need is a plant-based alternative that contains similar proteins and you’ll have light, fluffy egg-free bakes in no time!
To make things easier, we’ve put together a list of the 7 most common egg substitutes for baking. Read on to find out the nutritional benefits of each one, and how you can use it in vegan baking.
If you already know which egg substitute you want to learn about, you can jump straight to it using the list below:
Chia seeds
Nut butter
Chickpeas (aquafaba and flour)
Carbonated water
Ready-made egg substitutes

1. Flaxseeds
Fibre-packed flaxseeds are great for sprinkling over cereal or oatmeal, but did you know you can also use them to make an egg substitute?
Grind up some whole flaxseeds, or get 1 tablespoon of ready-to-mix flaxseed powder and add it to 3 tablespoons of water. This mixture - known as a ‘flax egg’ - will substitute for 1 egg in baking recipes.
2. Chia seeds
Chia seeds have been called a superfood because they are high in protein, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential minerals.
Just like with flaxseeds, you can mix chia seeds and water to make an egg-like binding agent. Add 1 tablespoon of organic chia seeds to 2.5 tablespoons of water, then leave for 15 minutes until it has a consistency similar to jelly.
3. Nut butter

Use your favourite creamy nut butter as a high-protein egg substitute in sweet baked goods, such as brownies and cookies.
Swap in 3 tablespoons (60g) of cashew, almond, or peanut butter to replace one egg. If it’s too thick, just add a little water or plant milk.
Using nut butter instead of egg will change the taste of your bake, so remember to keep that in mind.
4. Tofu
While nut butter works well for sweet bakes, this next egg substitute is best for savoury recipes. Tofu is made from soya milk and comes in a range of consistencies, from silky soft to extra firm.
Its high water content means it will keep baked goods dense and moist, while also adding extra protein. Tofu has a very neutral taste, so it will easily take on the flavours of the other ingredients in the recipe.
Blend silken tofu into a smooth paste and use ¼ of a cup (50g) for every egg needed.

5. Chickpeas (aquafaba and flour)
Chickpeas are the source of not one but two plant-based egg substitutes: aquafaba and chickpea flour.
Aquafaba is the watery liquid left after you drain a can of chickpeas. Aquafaba is the best egg substitute if you’re looking for fluffiness - it can be whipped up like egg whites to make light vegan meringues or mousse.
So next time you’re using canned chickpeas, remember to keep the leftover liquid for baking!
Chickpea flour, as the name suggests, is a flour-like meal made from ground chickpeas. Equal parts chickpea flour and water (3 tablespoons each) will make a creamy mixture to replace one egg in bakes like bread and scones.
6. Carbonated water
Yes, you read that right - you can use carbonated water as an egg substitute. Carbonated water (also called sparkling or soda water) traps air bubbles in your bake to make it light and fluffy, while the water keeps it moist.
About ¼ cup (60ml) of carbonated water is equal to one egg. It works well for both sweet and savoury bakes, since water won’t change the taste.
This is the best egg substitute if you don’t want to add extra calories, however, it won’t have the protein or flavour of plant-based egg alternatives.
7. Ready-made egg substitutes
If you don’t want to make an egg substitute from scratch, there are plenty of ready-made commercial options available. These are often made from potato starch and tapioca or chickpea flour.
They are available as powders or liquids - liquid egg replacements may also contain turmeric to give them an egg-like yellow colour.

Take Home Message
With this many great egg substitutes available, it’s never been easier to make egg-free bakes! Try them out in different recipes to figure out what you like best, as some egg substitutes are better suited to certain recipes than others.
We hope you enjoy our suggestions! For more vegan recipes, expert advice and exclusive offers, subscribe to the Myvegan mailing list.
Why do people bake without eggs?
People bake without eggs for a variety of reasons. They might be allergic to eggs, or follow a vegan diet which doesn’t include eggs or other animal products.
Can I bake without eggs?
Yes! Many people bake without eggs and there are a huge range of egg substitutes available.
What happens when I bake a cake without eggs?
Baking a cake without eggs or an egg substitute will result in a very different texture. The cake will be dry and have less volume, because it won’t have the egg protein to hold it together. If you don’t have eggs, there are many easily-accessible egg substitutes - we’ve listed our favourites in the article above.
What can I substitute if I run out of eggs?
If you run out of eggs, you can substitute them with flaxseeds, chia seeds, nut butter, chickpea flour, aquafaba, carbonated water, or any ready-made egg replacement. Scroll up to read about each of these egg substitutes in more detail.
How do I bind ingredients without eggs?
Eggs bind ingredients together because they’re full of proteins that coagulate and set. So vegan egg substitutes work because they contain plant-based proteins that set in a similar way to egg proteins.

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